Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sideshow Clone Lieutenant Figure

I will be posting on my recent purchases from Hong Kong. The first figure to be presented is the Sideshow Clone Lieutenant figure that I bought from Toy Hunters. What drew me to this figure was the eye-catching blue armor (which indicates its rank), as well as the fact that this piece is a Comic-Con 2010 exclusive. Similar to the 501st Legion Clone Trooper that I mentioned in a previous post, it comes with the standard clone trooper blaster, the long rifle and two extra hands. I got this on Day 1 in HK, as Toy Hunters was located within walking distance from my hotel. I actually went back to the shop two days later to do an exchange as the Carbine Blaster I received was defective. Toy Hunters did the exchange for me without much hassle and I am very happy with their service. Do enjoy the pics I posted below:

Communicating with the Jedi Generals for further instructions

Holding the Long Rifle

Armed with the Carbine Blaster, ready to take out any droids in the way.

A very exciting figure and one that certainly enhances one's display cabinet. I am very happy with this purchase and it is a great addition to my Star Wars collection.
Will be posting on other holiday purchases soon. Till then, may the force be with you!

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