Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back to Gaming

By now, those who read my blog would have known that I am playing Final Fantasy 14. I have not really gotten much into the game other than doing quests and running around like a headless chicken. Will dwell more into the MMO in future. I also bought the new Medal of Honor (MOH) game for the PS3 and even though, in my opinion, it is not as good as the Call of Duty (COD) series for the campaign mode, the multiplayer mode more than makes up for it. Developed by the same team that did the "Battlefield" series, MOH online is a joy. Controls are tight and easy to manage. Maps are well-spaced and yet allows frantic action. I am having alot of fun killing the bad/good guys, depending on which faction you are assigned. I strongly urge FPS lovers to pick this up, even if it just for the online mode. To be honest, the campaign mode ain't that bad and there are a few classic moments in the game. One which I like in particular was the part where the Taliban fighters were over-running us, we were running out of ammo, and death seemed like the only way out. Then, all of a sudden, some apaches appeared out of nowhere and saved our sorry asses. That was classic! Pls try this game! I can't wait for COD: Black Ops to be released too as I am an FPS freak! But till then, MOH will be taking up my gaming time.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Bug Hits!

My whole family is falling ill recently. Wifey is having her usual morning sickness (which will most likely last through the first trimester), and my little princess is having flu. It pains me to see her coughing and having a running nose but I guess this is all part of growing up. It seemed like only yesterday that Kaylee was born but looking at her now, I can see that time really flies. She will be turning two soon and next year, she will be starting play school. My second one will also be born next year, so I guess there will be more things to worry about in 2011! Being a parent is not easy and I can understand alot of the stress that parents go through nowadays, something which I didn't understood when I was still a kid. I am glad that my parents brought me up to be the man I am today and I will certainly do all I can to provide for my kids until the day they are old enough to take care of themselves.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

24 Hours a Day is Not Enough

I know I have not been blogging as much as I would like, and I have yet to show you readers more of my awesome toy collection. I really feel that 24 hours a day is insufficient to do things which I have planned to get done. More likely, it could be due to my poor time management but other than work and family, I hardly have the time or energy to do other stuff. Even my toy collection is being neglected as I hardly pose my figures to provide some dynamism to the display.

And today, just when I wanted to post some pictures of a cool toy I purchased recently, I realized that the new CPU casing I bought does not have come with the slots for the various memory cards my camera utilizes. Ok, I admit I can still post the pictures by transferring them to my HD via the USB cable but I am too darn lazy to find the cable. Will post the pics when my mood to do so arises again.

I have been spending some time during last weekend trying out the new Final Fantasy 14 Online game and to be honest, I am not really that impressed with it. The graphics is really nice and the characters and area maps are really interesting, but the gameplay feels kinda sluggish. During battles, lag seems to be a problem as you only see your character reacting to the button you pressed about 3 seconds ago. While synthesizing/mining etc, there are many steps to go through before actually carrying out the process. It might be Square Enix's way of making the game unique but to me, it just feel painfully slow. Instructions are also not that clear at times and I had to walk around like a lost soul, frequently checking the online guides to get some clue as to what I had to do. These are just my early impressions with the game. Hopefully the experience improves as I dwell more into the world of Eorzea!