Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back to Gaming

By now, those who read my blog would have known that I am playing Final Fantasy 14. I have not really gotten much into the game other than doing quests and running around like a headless chicken. Will dwell more into the MMO in future. I also bought the new Medal of Honor (MOH) game for the PS3 and even though, in my opinion, it is not as good as the Call of Duty (COD) series for the campaign mode, the multiplayer mode more than makes up for it. Developed by the same team that did the "Battlefield" series, MOH online is a joy. Controls are tight and easy to manage. Maps are well-spaced and yet allows frantic action. I am having alot of fun killing the bad/good guys, depending on which faction you are assigned. I strongly urge FPS lovers to pick this up, even if it just for the online mode. To be honest, the campaign mode ain't that bad and there are a few classic moments in the game. One which I like in particular was the part where the Taliban fighters were over-running us, we were running out of ammo, and death seemed like the only way out. Then, all of a sudden, some apaches appeared out of nowhere and saved our sorry asses. That was classic! Pls try this game! I can't wait for COD: Black Ops to be released too as I am an FPS freak! But till then, MOH will be taking up my gaming time.

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